Monsoon Solitaire
“HOWL it out’
HOWL is seeking contributions to a new anthology that we intend to publish in 2021 (the Covid gods willing). The theme is ‘Monsoon Solitaire’, a title inspired by the people, place, events and spirit of the monsoon. As much a mood as a location, it is not bound by geography, but defined by a notion of what is inspired by the winds of the ‘torrid zone’. Contributions can take the form of poems, essays and photo-essays, which will be posted on the HOWL website (that’s here folks), with the most popular being submitted for publication in our bright and sparkly 2021 anthology. For written submissions the limit is 1500 words.
Prizes: Best piece 1st and 2nd, as voted at our next ‘World Famous in Siem Reap’ Word Jam.
Submissions to Dr. Howl, at: [email protected]